About Page

Hello my name is Oscar Fabian Rodriguez. I am 18 years old and am interested in competitive gaming, trolling people on games, drawing, beat-box, and hanging out with friends. I sometimes go out for long walk to empty my mind of all the problems I have and 3 days a week I work out either in my backyard or the gym at school. I like to express how I feel through music or working out. I am what most people would call an oddball but I don’t have any concern for what anyone says and that I’m not afraid to speak my mind whether it’s nice or mean. I’m not the kind of person to get mad a lot but when I do my mind draws a blank and I don’t know who’s who and I lose what sense I have and just let any pent up anger I have out. I like to listen to very soft and relaxing music to expand my mind and sometimes I tend to stay up late thinking of ideas of what I could do or want to do in the future to help people. That Who I am and I will never change not for anyone or for any reason.